
This is how I ended up in tears last night... sari not sorry. May 21, 2020

I don’t know how to wrap a Sari*

Okay well — I kind of do. 

First you tuck the cloth into the underskirt. 

Then, you wrap around once.   

And suddenly only three steps in, you’re supposed to use a magical pinky and thumb...

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This is real. This is heavy. privilege of individualism May 14, 2020

We’re being asked to wear masks wherever we go now. 

Costco. Loblaws. Roadside pickup.

But what about all of us who have been wearing masks our whole lives? 

The metaphorical ones, of course. 

Over two months ago, a 25-year-old man was out for a jog when he was killed for...

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The real reason you get so uncomfortable in front of the camera what you think Apr 30, 2020

I was 7 years old the first time I held a camcorder. 

It was my Uncle’s, and we were visiting him for the first time (family separated across the world, anyone?), and he had one of those old sony silver box-types camcorders. 

I was curious. I’d never seen a...

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Complete the Sentence: Never Have I Ever ______ never have i ever Apr 23, 2020

The first time I ever met Mindy Kaling was on my 13-inch laptop screen in first-year university, as I huddled under my covers to watch “The Mindy Project”. With my string lights hanging all around my tiny twin bed, and the not-so-faint sound of the dorm party raging three doors down,...

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Do you remember the first time? do you remember it? Apr 16, 2020

I’m talking about the first time you realized you loved doing something. 

Do you remember it? 

Maybe it was building something with your hands when you were a child. 

Maybe it was the first time you cooked something from scratch. 

Or maybe it was the first time you...

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